Scholarship Info...
Simply put, if you are from one of our Alaskan Assemblies of God churches and going to an AG College/University or School of Ministry/Internship that is accredited through an AG school then you could qualify for one of these scholarships.
Freshman Scholarship
The Alaska Ministry Network Freshman Award Scholarship is a Scholarship for graduating High School seniors who will be attending an accredited Assemblies of God College/University or a School of Ministry that is accredited through one of our AG Colleges/Universities the fall semester after graduating from High School.
Award Amount:
Up to $1,000.00 per recipient
Eligibility Requirements:
Award Amount:
Up to $1,000.00 per recipient
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be a graduating High School Senior Applicant must be from an Alaskan AG Church
- Applicant must attend an AG College or University
- Applicant must have a history of Good Christian Conduct;
- Applicant must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher
AK Native Scholarship
The Alaska Native Scholarship is a scholarship for an Alaska Native student who will be attending an accredited Assemblies of God College/University, or an approved school of ministry, who upon completion intends to pursue full time vocational ministry within the state of Alaska.
Please include a 1 page typed essay on how you foresee God using your call to ministry here in Alaska upon your completion of your education.
Award Amounts:
Eligibility Requirements:
Please include a 1 page typed essay on how you foresee God using your call to ministry here in Alaska upon your completion of your education.
Award Amounts:
- Tagarook Scholarship – Up to $1,000 per recipient
- Andrus Scholarship – Up to $1,000 per recipient
- Nusunginya Scholarship – Up to $1,000 per recipient
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be from an Alaskan AG Church
- Applicant must attend an AG College, University, or approved School of Ministry
- Applicant must have a history of Good Christian Conduct
Ministerial Award Scholarship
The Alaska Ministry Network Ministerial Scholarship is a scholarship for sophomore, junior, or senior college students who are attending an accredited Assemblies of God College or University, and who intends to pursue a career in full time vocational ministry.
Award Amount:
Up to $1,000.00 per recipient
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be actively involved in ministry/outreach while attending college.
Award Amount:
Up to $1,000.00 per recipient
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be a full time college/university sophomore, junior or senior
- Applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Applicant must be from an Alaskan AG Church
- Applicant must attend an AG College or University
- Applicant must have a history of Good Christian Conduct
- Applicant must have declared a major in at least one of the following areas:
*Pastoral ministries Youth Ministries
*Music Ministry Christian Education
*Religion and Philosophy Biblical Literature
*Mission / Intercultural Studies Children’s Ministry
Applicant must be actively involved in ministry/outreach while attending college.
DYD Scholarships
DYD Scholarships (Awarded by the college to the student of the District Youth Director’s choosing.
Please note: These are not always available from schools, amounts and requirements may vary.
Eligibility Requirements:
Please note: These are not always available from schools, amounts and requirements may vary.
- Evangel University
- North Central University
- Northwest University
- Southwestern A/G University
- Trinity Bible College
- Southeastern University
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be a graduating High School Senior
- Applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Applicant must be from an Alaskan AG Church
- Applicant must attend an AG College or University
- Applicant must have a history of Good Christian Conduct
General Application Instructions (Due Dates are on Application)
Complete application (Please type or print neatly)
- Include with your application a current photo
- Include with your application a copy of your current transcripts, or GED
- Fill out the top portion of the three reference forms and give them to
1. Teacher/Professor, or guidance counselor
2. Pastoral Reference (if your pastor is a relative reference should be filled out by an associate pastor or elder/deacon/board member who knows the applicant)
3. Christian Adult (not a relative)
- Provide a self address stamped envelope with each reference form. Address the envelope to:
Alaska Scholarship Committee
Alaska Ministry Network
1048 W. international Airport Rd. #101
Anchorage Alaska 99518